Learning how to navigate between science, history and technology

Learning how to navigate between science, history and technology
27 Sep

This week sees the start of the new academic year 2017-2018 for the Port of Tarragona Museum; a year that will allow over 10,000 students to take part in its workshops from the second term onwards, learning about the world of fishing and the maritime district of the Serallo more directly thanks to the new activity that will take place at the fish market.

The Museum's educational programme has evolved over the years, both in terms of new objects incorporated in the exhibition area and the holding of workshops outside of the Museum. The Port Museum in sight! proposal, organised together with Còdol Educació, includes workshops on the history of the port, - “Let yourself be transPORTed!”,-aimed at Secondary School pupils, on fishing –“Can you catch it?” -, and on general knowledge about the maritime world – “En sabràs la tira!-for Infant and Primary School pupils.

Other more specific activities teach students about the evolution of navigation, “Eureka!”; the magic of sailor's tales and legends, “An ocean of stories and tales”; maritime signals, “Become enlightened, experience the lighthouse!”, and the world of piracy with “A tale of pirates!”

The environmental impact on the oceans has also been an educational goal. Together with Auriga and Cultural Services, we have devised Mare Nostrum in portable pack form, for working in schools. It deals with the main environmental problems of the maritime environment, such as water pollution, eutrophication and climate change, among others, while allowing students to reflect on the incentives that need to be implemented. In this line, “Discovering the Port land” allows students to see the direct pollution of the materials that make up the land in the Port. It is aimed at older primary school pupils and younger secondary school ones, and the school can request it on loan, free of charge. Those borrowing it will be in charge of transporting the portable pack and taking responsibility for its contents.

“Come and see the birds! Biodiversity in the Port of Tarragona”, aimed at older primary school pupils and younger secondary school ones, allows students to discover some of the species of birds that visit us, to learn to identify them and to find out what characteristics the different gulls, marine crows, falcons, grey herons, kingfishers etc. that we can see at the Port have, while enjoying a boat trip after the explanations in the Museum.

Chemical Transporting and Import-Export are activities aimed at upper secondary school and A-level pupils that shows students the reality of today’s commercial and industrial Port, with the commercial aspect including information about specific storage systems and movement of goods.

In order to carry out any of these educational activities, please contact the Museum and apply to book the chosen activity.

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