Public Participation Panel - Opinion Space Port Tarragona

The first meeting of this new public panel set up by the Port of Tarragona was held on November 18, 2020. Present were some twenty representatives of the social and cultural fabric of the city of Tarragona, Vila-seca and other towns in the Port’s area of influence.

The objectives of Opinion Space Port Tarragona are:

To bring the Port of Tarragona into even closer contact with its surroundings.

To establish periodic two-way communications between the Port of Tarragona and its community.

To learn of people’s concerns in order to improve the relationship and connection between the Port and society.

To support the Port Executive Committee’s decision-making.

The discussion sessions of this participatory initiative will be complemented with other activities such as tours of port facilities, workshops and informative meetings.



Panel members

Representatives of the social, health, cultural, environmental, communications, commerce, hospitality, education, professional and food health sectors, as well as NGOs, neighbourhood associations and, finally, the emergency services sector. The participation of a wide variety of individuals from different areas of life makes it possible to establish a dialogue between the Port and the people closely linked to all those activities, in order to improve relations with the social environment of the logistics infrastructure that is the Port of Tarragona.


Ton Aymemí

Ton Aymemí

Biologist and Environmentalist. Consultant on the environment, the circular economy and communication for sustainability

Jordi Bertrán

Jordi Bertrán

Freelance cultural manager. Professor of the Rovira i Virgili University, Cultural Heritage

Javier Escribano

Javier Escribano

President of the Tarragona Association of Hospitality Businesses (territorial representative)

Francesc Gassó Minguet

Francesc Gassó Minguet

Baccalaureate coordinator at the Martí i Franqués High School in Tarragona

Rafael Gracia

Rafael Gracia

Camp de Tarragona Area Manager for the Catalan Institute of Health

Ramón Grau

Ramón Grau

President of the Tarragona Red Cross

Aaron Gutiérrez

Aaron Gutiérrez

Professor of Territorial Analysis and Tourism Studies (GRATET) Rovira i Virgili University

Xavier Jiménez

Xavier Jiménez

President of the Group for the Study and Protection of Catalan Ecosystems-Ecologists of Catalonia (GEPEC)

Agustí López

Agustí López

TEDEX. Consultant on internet and communication issues in businesses

Francesc Marsal

Francesc Marsal

Retired doctor

Jordi Martí

Jordi Martí

Administrative Head of the Vila-seca Agricultural Cooperative

Salvador Minguella

Salvador Minguella

President of the VIA-T Merchants Association of Tarragona

Carme Pedrol

Carme Pedrol

President of the El Serrallo Quarter Retirees Association

Amèlia Rico

Amèlia Rico

Director of the Cambrils Tourism Board

Agustí Rillo

Agustí Rillo


Marta Schumacher

Marta Schumacher

Representative from the Rovira i Virgili University Centre for Environmental, Food and Toxicological Technology (TecnATox)

Gemma Segarra

Gemma Segarra

Doctor from the Camp de Tarragona Occupational Health Unit

Albert Torres

Albert Torres

Member of the Xiquets del Serrallo board

Josep Lluís Torres

Josep Lluís Torres

Inspector from the Department of Education working at the Educational Technical Services in Tarragona

Joan Tous

Joan Tous

President of the Camp de Tarragona Architects Association

Arantxa Sagardoy

Arantxa Sagardoy

Dancer, choreographer and dance teacher

Josep Vallverdú

Josep Vallverdú

Researcher at the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES)

Ricard Virgili

Ricard Virgili

Member of the ‘Colla Vella Voramar del Serrallo’ human towers group


Would you like to participate?


Opinion Space Port Tarragona is a communications channel open to citizen participation..

The Port of Tarragona makes the email address below available to all those who wish to communicate the subjects, suggestions, concerns and proposals they would like to see dealt with in the regular panel meetings. It will also be used to collect the contact details (name, surnames, entity or company, position and contact telephone number) of people who wish to participate in this working group when an incorporation period for new panel members opens for reasons of renewal or expansion.

To contact Opinion Space please write to:

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SETMANES DE L'AIGUA | PORT TARRAGONA | De l'11 d'abril al 5 de maig



 Acte central - 25 i 26 abril. Jornades Tècniques | La Gestió de l'aigua en un escenari de crisi climàtica. L’objectiu de les Jornades tècniques és abordar amb els actors implicats la complexitat de la gestió de l’aigua des d’una visió transversal: climàtica, ambiental, social i de governança. Més enllà de la sequera actual i de les incògnites que planteja, cal avançar cap a una gestió sostenible dels recursos hídrics.

Inscripcions 25 i 26 abril

25 i 26 abril

Registra't ara
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L'AIGUA DEL FUTUR DE L'11 D'ABRIL AL 5 DE MAIG.És un esdeveniment compost de diverses jornades tècniques, debats, exposicions i art al Port de Tarragona que tindrà lloc durant els dies compresos entre l'11 d'abril i el 5 de maig en diversos punts del Port de Tarragona. Amb l'objectiu d'informar-vos sobre tota la programació i que no us perdeu res, us deixem totes les activitats a continuació:


Pàgina oficial de les Setmanes de l'Aigua Port Tarragona- Agenda i programació - accés lliure


Pàgina oficial Primera edició

Més informació PROGRAMACIÓ 
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