The chairman of the Port of Tarragona, calls on the Ministry of Public Works to comply with the schedule for the Mediterranean Corridor

The chairman of the Port of Tarragona, calls on the Ministry of Public Works to comply with the schedule for the Mediterranean Corridor
26 May

The chairman of the Port of Tarragona, Josep Andreu, was one of the protagonists of the 4th Meeting on the Mediterranean Corridor held today in Barcelona, an event that has provided the opportunity to highlight the fact that this rail infrastructure is fundamental not only for the Port of Tarragona and its Port community, but also vital for its area of influence, and especially the petrochemical industry, to be able to make the most of its opportunities for growth and development, as well as encouraging the attraction of new investments in order to consolidate the growing role of Tarragona as a top level logistic hub on the Mediterranean.

This 4th Meeting on the Mediterranean Corridor also involved the participation of the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Minister for Planning and Sustainability, Josep Rull, the Generalitat Valenciana’s Minister of Housing, Public Works and Territory Structure, Mª José Salvador, and the Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Julio Gómez Pomar.

Also taking part in the conference were the CFM’s general coordinator for Construction Work, Joan Barios; RENFE’s Director of Operations, Francisco Minayo, the director general of the Port of Barcelona, José Alberto Carbonell, the director of Project Finance and Specialised Business of Banco Sabadell, Josep Montañés, and the Manager of the Association of Railway Companies, Juan Diego Pedrero.

Josep Andreu stresses the potential of Tarragona

Josep Andreu stressed that "Tarragona is the second most important industrial and logistics area and the number one petrochemical site in Southern Europe". The chairman of the Port of Tarragona also sought to underline for those attending the forum that "the Port has facilities that are ready to grow and develop the chemical industry and enhance its competitiveness. But we find ourselves faced with two handicaps, the high cost of energy and the external infrastructures in the Port (the Mediterranean corridor and A27), and this entails consequences that hinder our efforts to attract new investments". Ain addition, Andreu emphasised that the Port of Tarragona aspires to be a hub for chemicals and petrochemicals, and the Standard Gauge will make this viable.

"Now that we have a schedule for the Mediterranean Corridor, we call for thoroughness and commitment in its compliance"


In his speech, the chairman of the Port of Tarragona asked for sights to be set high. "Elements of infrastructure need to be planned with future growth in mind, not taking into account the current needs". "The Mediterranean Corridor should not just respond to the needs of today,but rather anticipate and allow for future growth" added Josep Andreu.


In his speech, the chairman of the Port of Tarragona underscored the fact that "75% of our traffic items are imported, and the majority of these goods are raw materials for supplying the area of influence, with these going on to become export products". "Imports are needed so that our exports can grow" added Andrew.

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