The Photo-Library


With 12,336 registered and digitized photographs, the Images Collection of the Port Archive Port continues to have a significant volume of consultations. Photos requested for illustrating publications, exhibitions, magazine and newspaper articles, dissertations for research or television programmes.






In progress new Fototeca

Sorry we are working in new Fototeca

About the Archive


Digital Archive

Digital Archive

Tarragona Port Archive has at hand an ambitious, titled project intended to make the most important and consulted documentary series in digital format available to researchers

Sources of Documents

Sources of Documents

In this section you will find which sources of documents you have at your disposal. In the majority of them you have access to download the inventory of the units which make them up.



From the Port Archive we have organized different kinds of events and activities with the aim of publicizing our Centre and our collections.

Award for research

Award for research

To promote and encourage research efforts since 2004 the Port of Tarragona Research Prize is called, which is worth 6,000 Euros.

Educational Archive

Educational Archive

The aim of informing higher and lower secondary students the important task which will be carried out at the Archive and Museum to preserve and disseminate

Library / Archive

Library / Archive

Besides the collections of documents themselves, the Port Archive also provides an important additional library of about 9,000 volumes, mainly based on port and maritime themes







Most Visited

Work with us

Work with us

Job board of the Port Authority of Tarragona
Open Data

Open Data

Here you will find public data of the public character of the organization
Contractor Profile

Contractor Profile

Here you will find public data of the public character of the organization
Communication and press

Communication and press

News of interest and current affairs of the Port Authority of Tarragona


Ship location

Ship location

Gisweb, ship situation program, stopovers and movements
Requests for services via ports

Requests for services via ports

Requests for services and communications for the ship, the goods and the passage
Accreditation center

Accreditation center

Administrative process involved in certifying a company/organization to access the Port


Goods traffic at the Port Authority of Tarragona


SETMANES DE L'AIGUA | PORT TARRAGONA | De l'11 d'abril al 5 de maig



 Acte central - 25 i 26 abril. Jornades Tècniques | La Gestió de l'aigua en un escenari de crisi climàtica. L’objectiu de les Jornades tècniques és abordar amb els actors implicats la complexitat de la gestió de l’aigua des d’una visió transversal: climàtica, ambiental, social i de governança. Més enllà de la sequera actual i de les incògnites que planteja, cal avançar cap a una gestió sostenible dels recursos hídrics.

Inscripcions 25 i 26 abril

25 i 26 abril

Registra't ara
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L'AIGUA DEL FUTUR DE L'11 D'ABRIL AL 5 DE MAIG.És un esdeveniment compost de diverses jornades tècniques, debats, exposicions i art al Port de Tarragona que tindrà lloc durant els dies compresos entre l'11 d'abril i el 5 de maig en diversos punts del Port de Tarragona. Amb l'objectiu d'informar-vos sobre tota la programació i que no us perdeu res, us deixem totes les activitats a continuació:


Pàgina oficial de les Setmanes de l'Aigua Port Tarragona- Agenda i programació - accés lliure


Pàgina oficial Primera edició

Més informació PROGRAMACIÓ 
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Mitjans col·laboradors