The Port of Tarragona records the best September in its history, with an increase of 36.4% compared to the same month in 2016

The Port of Tarragona records the best September in its history, with an increase of 36.4% compared to the same month in 2016
29 Oct

The Port’s infrastructure moves 3,429,375 tonnes, with exceptional growth in traffic in crude oil, chemical products, agri-food and vehicles, among others


The Port of Tarragona moved 3,429,375 tonnes during the month of September, making it the best September in its history, with an increase of 36.4% compared to the same month in the previous year. The performance of crude oil, vehicles, animal feed and flours and conventional general cargo are the multiple reasons for these exceptional figures.

With regard to the data on maritime traffic accumulated from January to September 2017, the figure stands at 25,157,172 tonnes, with an increase of 14.2% over the 2016.


The traffic in pertroleum and petroleum products, with a growth of 20.6% and a total of 15.5 million tonnes, is one of those which has recorded a more satisfactory performance during the first nine months of this year. The numbers also show a significant increase in livestock traffic: 29.3% if we speak of units (271,899 head) and 63.9% in tonnes (46,596), with an increased participation of beef. As for the vehicles terminal, 149.618 units have been handled, 30.5% more than in the same period last year.


In the traffic in agri-food products, the Port of Tarragona is a leader in the Mediterranean. Specifically, if we look at animal feed and flour, 1.4 million tonnes have been moved up to September of this year, representing an increase of 25%. Another significant figure is the movement in salt, with a total of 315 thousand tonnes, multiplying by 3.5 the previous year's operations over the same period.

The figures for paper wood pulp are also very positive traffic, with 374,221 tonnes moved up to the month of September, representing an increase of 24.2%. These data confirm not only the consolidation, but also the growth in a type of traffic that forms a part of the Port of Tarragona's commitment to diversification.


Cruise ships

Another item of data to note is that referring to cruise ships. This year 2017 so far 30 cruise ships have made stopovers in the Port of Tarragona, with a movement of 43,636 passengers, which represents an increase of 282% over 2016.


Exports continue to grow

Export data are also positive for the first three quarters of the year all together, with a growth of 32.9% compared to the same period last year in terms of movement to foreign countries, putting the total at nearly 4.5 million tonnes. Imports have also registered an increase of 13.7%, situating the total number at more than 17.5 million tonnes.


Inter-annual growth

In terms of the accumulated amount for the last 12 months, the figure comes to 34,470,614 tonnes, with an increase of 10%.



Petroleum and petroleum products 

15.5 M T


Livestock traffic 

46,596 T


Paper wood-pulp 

374,221 T



149,618 units


Animal feed and flours

1.4 M T

+ 25%


315,000 T






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