
NAME OF PROJECT: Promotion of Port Community System in Mediterranean Traffic


EUROPEAN PROGRAMME: MED 2007-2013. Axis 3, Objective 3.1: Improvement of maritime accessibility and of transit capacities through multimodality and inter-modality


DURATION: 1 January 2013 – 30 June 2015

BUDGET: 1.901.670 € 

The Port of Tarragona leads and coordinates the European MED-PCS Project, which aims to implement and improve the Port Community System (PCS) in four Mediterranean Ports, as well as to develop a Communication Exchange System between the referred PCSs, which assure their efficient operation between the Port Community members. The main objective of this initiative is to optimise the management of the Ports and make them more competitive. 

The Spanish partners of the Project are the Tarragona Port Authority and the Cartagena Port Authority; from Italy the Levante Port Authority, The University of Naples Federico II and Rete Autostrade Mediterranee SpA; from Greece the Igoumenitsa Port Authority and the University of the Aegean.

The Project has the support of the Territorial and Sustainability Department of the Generalitat de Catalunyathe Association of Shipping Consignees of Tarragona, the Logistics Association of Murcia, the Mediterranean Ports Community Association and the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA). 

The Project has provided for the development of 12 new services and for the improvement of the already existing services of the Port Community System in the four Mediterranean Ports who are partners of this Project. Moreover, a Communication Exchange System between these different PCSs has been developed.

In order to assure an effective implementation of these new PCS services, a series of pilot tests were previously carried out to obtain feed-back from the members of the Port Communities.

Posteriorly, to facilitate the setting in motion of these new PCS services, manuals, micro-videos and training activities were developed and directed to the potential users.

The new PCS services of the Port of Tarragona developed in the framework of this Project are:

- Single Goods Inspection.

- Paperless Release for Importation in the Cloud for road, rail and pipeline.

- Paperless Release for Exportation.

- Admittance/Delivery Orders.

During the entire development period of the Project, communication and capitalization activities have been carried out.

An e-learning platform was also developed, where an advanced course on PCS can be followed and where the different manuals and micro-videos on how to use the new PCS services can be consulted.

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Requests for services via ports

Requests for services via ports

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Accreditation center

Accreditation center

Administrative process involved in certifying a company/organization to access the Port


Goods traffic at the Port Authority of Tarragona