The ChemMed Industrial Cluster presents its 2024-2027 Strategic Plan with a focus on sustainability and innovation

The ChemMed Industrial Cluster presents its 2024-2027 Strategic Plan with a focus on sustainability and innovation
19 Dec

The hub between the AEQT, the Port of Tarragona and AITASA, together with the companies and organisations relevant to the territory, aims to enhance competitiveness, focusing on the circular economy and decarbonisation

ChemMed also takes the opportunity to present its new website

This December 19, in the Port Tarragona administrative headquarters conference room, the ChemMed Industrial Cluster presented its 2024-2027 strategic plan, highlighting an ambitious vision focusing on sectoral collaboration and sustainable innovation. The presentation was held in close association with the AEQT, Port Tarragona, AITASA and other important regional organisations and companies, thus consolidating the strategic relationship between all the entities. ChemMed also took the opportunity to present its new website

The main objective of this new Strategic Plan is to align the actions of the cluster members aimed at achieving a leadership position for ChemMed in Europe by promoting innovation, development and the creation of a resilient ecosystem that responds to society and a future marked by climate neutrality. The task consisted of eight sessions with the participation of the organisations that make up the cluster and its environment, in order to analyse and diagnose the current situation. The development of the new strategic plan begins with the identification of the major challenges faced by the cluster and finalises with the definition of the different actions that will allow the objectives to be achieved.

Sustainable Innovation

With a strong commitment to sustainability, the cluster aims to lead technological innovation initiatives that promote more environmentally friendly industrial practices and generate a positive impact on the region. It is hoped that this vision will contribute to the transformation of the sector and consolidate ChemMed as a reference in the development of new technologies.

This December 19, the Port Tarragona administrative headquarters conference room hosted various representatives of regional institutions and bodies for the presentation of the 2024-2027 ChemMed Strategic Plan. The Port Tarragona president and ChemMed vice president, Saül Garreta, emphasised the importance of cooperation between the companies in the industrial sector, academic institutions and local administrations. Garreta declared that the synergy between the cluster members seeks to “boost global competitiveness, encourage joint research and exchange knowledge.”

Furthermore, the ChemMed president and the AEQT president, Ignasi Cañagueral, highlighted the strategic priority of continuing to advance in climate neutrality with a focus on the development of electrical infrastructures and circularity. Cañagueral stated that the objective “is to continue promoting the Tarragona chemical complex as a European reference model in sustainability and competitiveness.”

All the ChemMed representatives agreed that the success of this project represents an opportunity for progress and growth for the entire territory, insofar as the industry is an active and participatory agent. Co-Enable, the company providing support for the realisation of the project, also participated in the presentation.

The ChemMed Industrial Cluster looks to the future with a clear focus on collaboration, innovation and sustainability. The ChemMed Cluster Association will further address these goals, contributing to the growth and prosperity of the chemical industry in the region.

What is ChemMed?

The ChemMed Tarragona cluster, Mediterranean Chemical Cluster, was established in 2014 as a transversal group led by the AEQT and its six associated companies, the Port of Tarragona and AITASA. In total, the cluster brings together around thirty producing companies and some one hundred support and service businesses. It also includes approximately thirty public and private organisations, including administrations (national government, regional autonomous government, territorial councils, etc.), the world of knowledge (Rovira i Virgili University, professional training institutes, the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research, Eurecat, etc.), socio-economic entities (Chambers of Commerce, Cepta, Pimec, trade unions). ChemMed Tarragona is, therefore, the forum shared by the whole of the Camp de Tarragona and the six main institutions. It aims to project the petrochemical industry as one of the territory's commitments to its progress and development.ndústria petroquímica com una de les apostes del territori per al seu progrés i desenvolupament.

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