Descobreix el Port amb la Golondrina

   Friday, 15. July 2022, 19:00 - 20:00



Descobreix el Port amb la Golondrina


Juliol, sortides a les 19h

Dies: 1,2,15,22,23,29 i 30


Agost, sortides a les 19h (les sortides del mes d'agost les activarem a finals del mes de juliol a la plataforma Entradium)

Dies: 5,6,12,13,19,20,26,27




Do you want to come?​



id: 1674



Most Visited

Work with us

Work with us

Job board of the Port Authority of Tarragona
Open Data

Open Data

Here you will find public data of the public character of the organization
Contractor Profile

Contractor Profile

Here you will find public data of the public character of the organization
Communication and press

Communication and press

News of interest and current affairs of the Port Authority of Tarragona


Ship location

Ship location

Gisweb, ship situation program, stopovers and movements
Requests for services via ports

Requests for services via ports

Requests for services and communications for the ship, the goods and the passage
Accreditation center

Accreditation center

Administrative process involved in certifying a company/organization to access the Port


Goods traffic at the Port Authority of Tarragona