A Great History Together





From November 2019 to November 2020, the Tarragona Port Authority is celebrating its 150th anniversary with diverse institutional and cultural events
A grand central event for more than 800 people and two macro-concerts on the Costa Wharf will be the largest events
The renovation of the Port Museum will be the Port’s gift to the city on the occasion of the 150th anniversary

  • 1925 | Detall del Moll Paral·lel amb vapors atracats i activitat intensa de barrils de vi
  • 1930 | Veler de càrrega atracat al final del Moll de Costa
  • 1923 | Descàrrega de terra mitjançant carros al Moll de Llevant per a la seva construcció. A la dreta magatzem d'eines i al fons el destuctor 'Auda' de l'armada espanyola
  • 1929 | Vista del Moll Paral·lel amb el vapor Nollington Court de badera anglesa i 3773 tones atracat. A l'esquerra una grua i al fons dos tinglados per a mercaderies. Es veuen carros i mules
  • 1932 | Grup d'empleats del port fotografiats davant l'edifici d'oficines al carrer d'Anselm Clavé.
  • 1921 | Càrrega i descàrrega de bocois, dogues i cèrcols al Moll Paral·lel
  • 1920 | Edifici de pràctics situat al dic de Llevant
  • 1910 | Vista del dic i Moll de Llevant amb vaixells atracats de popa. Carro i mercaderies, bocois
  • 1902 | Moll de Llevant, carros, mercaderies, barques, al fons la ciutat



    The president of the Port of Tarragona, Josep Maria Cruset, presented the programme of events to be held over the coming twelve months to commemorate 150 years of the Port of Tarragona. The press conference was held on the Reus Wharf, in one of the historical facilities of the Port of Tarragona and alongside one of the Port’s oldest working cranes. Mr Cruset revealed the events to be held in 2019-2020 to commemorate the founding in 1869 of the Port of Tarragona Board of Works, the predecessor of the present-day Tarragona Port Authority (APT).

    The programme for the anniversary is a combination of institutional and cultural events open to the port community, the city of Tarragona and the territory. Five major events will be held during 2019-2020, backed up by a programme of activities on the Costa Wharf, all with the objective of making the general public more aware of the past and present of the Port of Tarragona.

    For this reason, the motto of this 150th anniversary is “A Great History Together”. In the words of Mr Cruset, “The history of the Port of Tarragona is the history of the city of Tarragona and the Camp de Tarragona region, and vice versa, because over the centuries they have always been interlinked for strategic, economic and commercial reasons”.


    Illustrated Atlas


    Illustrated Atlas of the History of the Port of Tarragona


    On 14 November the Illustrated Atlas of the History of the Port of Tarragona was presented. The work of the illustrator and historian Joan Carles Blanch i Torrebadell (born in La Riera of Gaià in 1973) entitled Atles Històric i Il·lustrat del Port de Tarragona. Del passat al present was presented on Thursday 14 November at 7 pm in Tinglado 1 on the Costa Wharf of the Port of Tarragona.

    This atlas is thus the main reference for the more than 2000 years of history of the Port
    Josep Maria Cruset | President Port Tarragona



    The atlas contains a timeline that goes from the Iberians to the Arabs, from the construction of the temple of Augustus to the cathedral, from handicrafts to heavy industry, from Tarraco to Tarragona and in it you will find people, buildings, art, vessels, battles, wars, revolts, curiosities, society, heritage, documents, etc. narrating more than twenty centuries of history.

    The book combines text and illustrations clearly and informatively and from now on will be the institutional book of the Port, thanks to its extraordinary historic and documental interest, its great artistic attractiveness and the high quality of the edition. It is an atlas that unites the rigour of historical narration with magnificent illustrations that perfectly capture the Port of Tarragona, both for adults interested in our area and children.

    The atlas contains 288 pages with seven chapters covering Antiquity (3rd century BC - 4th century AD), the Middle Ages (5th - 15th centuries), the Modern Period (16th  - 19th centuries), the Contemporary Period (19th – 20th centuries) and the present day (21st century).







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