SUSTAINABILITY PLAN AGENDA 2020 - 2030 | April 2024 version

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Areas of Action


Waste control and management

21 recycling points.
Recycling centre and door-to-door collection.
Daily cleaning of roadways and of runoff waters.
Improvement of environmental management in building works (RCD).
Specific hygiene operations (Prats beach, Coast wharf, scrub at the Pedrera).
Waste control of maritime signals, maintenance, gardening, Marpol and water treatment residues.
Collaboration with the work performed by the Cemapt workforce.

 Atmospheric Emissions Control

Commitment to reducing CO2 emissions.
CTQC odour-monitoring system.
Quality control of the air at the Port.
Environmental measurement equipment.
Maintenance of air-conditioning and heating units, and leak control.
Working protocols for solids imports.

Guide of good practical. Bulk solids manipulation





EUROPEAN PROJECT CORELNGAS The objective of this project is to develop an integrated, safe and efficient logistics system for the supply of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) as a fuel in the transport sector, and especially in maritime transport, in the Iberian Peninsula.

European Projects in the Tarragona Port Authority

A brief description of European Innovation Projects in which the Port participates or has participated.
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 Control of Sea Water Quality

Ongoing treatment of residual waters.

Control of the levels of polluting substances at source.

     Management and control of the 26 sources of waste water. Authorisation and validation with the Catalan Water Agency.

     Annual analyses of the 18 sources of waste water from sanitary operation.

     Three-monthly analyses at one source of industrial waste water.

The fight against the pollution of the sea

       Maritime Interior Plan drawn up by the Tarragona Port Authority and approved by the DGMM(Dirección General de la Marina Mercante, similar to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency in the UK) in June 2014.

       Sea Pollution Response Unit, a service operated by the APT in conjunction with the petrochemical terminals.

  Control of the Quality of Terrestrial Soil

Preventive action in zones with risk of pollution.

       Absorbent material, recipients to collect polluting substances, roofing which isolates surfaces from the rain, etc.

Our own network of 17 piezometers. Regular analyses of underground waters and sediments.

 Pest Control and Prevention

Elimination of insects and rats from buildings, underground networks and lands.
Control of mosquitoes and other winged insects.
Sterilisation and control of cat colonies.
Control of pigeons: cages and capture with nets.

 Environmental Control of Companies

Documentary control.
Annual inspections.
Bonuses for good environmental practice.
Compulsory implantation and certification of environmental management systems in all concessionary companies.
Daily checks for environmental issues.

 Environmental and Energy Awareness

Celebration of World Days on issues related to sustainability.
Day dedicated to energy efficiency awareness. Guide book about the birds in the port of Tarragona.
Activities with school groups and the Port Museum, APT personnel and Science Week.
Integrated Management System training for new workers at the APT, as well as for students on work placements.
Six-monthly awareness training for APT staff on the use of photocopies and printing.

 Guide to fowl

 Conservation and Biodiversity

Protected Sites: Nature Protection Areas (Xarxa Natura 2000).
Protected species such as the nesting sites of the Audouin’s Gull.
Encourage green areas in the Port.

 Article on ringing of the Audouin Gull (2015)

 Management of Natural Resources

Water and electricity efficiency.
Reduction of fuel use.
Environmental Quality certificates for vehicles.
Rationalisation in the use of paper: reduction of photocopies and printing, increased use of e-files, use of recycled paper.

Most Visited

Work with us

Work with us

Job board of the Port Authority of Tarragona
Open Data

Open Data

Here you will find public data of the public character of the organization
Contractor Profile

Contractor Profile

Here you will find public data of the public character of the organization
Communication and press

Communication and press

News of interest and current affairs of the Port Authority of Tarragona


Ship location

Ship location

Gisweb, ship situation program, stopovers and movements
Requests for services via ports

Requests for services via ports

Requests for services and communications for the ship, the goods and the passage
Accreditation center

Accreditation center

Administrative process involved in certifying a company/organization to access the Port


Goods traffic at the Port Authority of Tarragona


SETMANES DE L'AIGUA | PORT TARRAGONA | De l'11 d'abril al 5 de maig



 Acte central - 25 i 26 abril. Jornades Tècniques | La Gestió de l'aigua en un escenari de crisi climàtica. L’objectiu de les Jornades tècniques és abordar amb els actors implicats la complexitat de la gestió de l’aigua des d’una visió transversal: climàtica, ambiental, social i de governança. Més enllà de la sequera actual i de les incògnites que planteja, cal avançar cap a una gestió sostenible dels recursos hídrics.

Inscripcions 25 i 26 abril

25 i 26 abril

Registra't ara
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L'AIGUA DEL FUTUR DE L'11 D'ABRIL AL 5 DE MAIG.És un esdeveniment compost de diverses jornades tècniques, debats, exposicions i art al Port de Tarragona que tindrà lloc durant els dies compresos entre l'11 d'abril i el 5 de maig en diversos punts del Port de Tarragona. Amb l'objectiu d'informar-vos sobre tota la programació i que no us perdeu res, us deixem totes les activitats a continuació:


Pàgina oficial de les Setmanes de l'Aigua Port Tarragona- Agenda i programació - accés lliure


Pàgina oficial Primera edició

Més informació PROGRAMACIÓ 
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Mitjans col·laboradors