First conference on safety and emergency management in the maritime port environment

First conference on safety and emergency management in the maritime port environment
14 May

Port of Tarragona 20th and 21st June

On 20th and 21st June, the Tarragona Port Authority, in collaboration with the Harbourmaster, Maritime Rescue, the Catalan Government Fire Service and the Chemical Industry Safety Organisation, is organising the first conference on safety and emergency management in the maritime port environment.

It will be held in the former Tinglado 1 warehouse on the Port of Tarragona’s Costa Wharf. The inauguration will be at 9 am on the 20th in Tinglado 1. Subjects to be dealt with include the emergency management model in the Port of Tarragona and its coordination with the rest of the bodies involved, as well as coordination of the actions with the different intervening bodies. In this respect, the following subjects will be discussed: the Maritime Incident Response Group (MIRG) model in Europe for dealing with emergencies on vessels; the risks associated with emergency interventions in port facilities; and the specific casuistry of the management of emergencies on cruise vessels and in marinas.

The conference will end with an exhibition and a tour of the specialist intervention equipment available to the Tarragona Port Authority and Maritime Rescue, and an exercise responding to an emergency on a vessel in an anchorage zone.



Conference programme




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