The first institutional visit of the president of the Port of Tarragona to the president of the Generalitat

The first institutional visit of the president of the Port of Tarragona to the president of the Generalitat
08 Jan

This afternoon, the president of the Catalan Regional Government (the Generalitat), Quim Torra, received Josep Maria Cruset, the new president of the Port of Tarragona, in an official presentation visit. During the meeting, which was held in the Palau de la Generalitat, the president of the Catalan Government was brought up to date on the main projects being promoted by the Tarragona Port Authority to contribute to the entrepreneurial and social development of the southern counties of Catalonia and to reaffirm the strategic role of the Port of Tarragona in the economy and international projection of the country.

In this respect, a presentation was made of the infrastructure of prime importance for the Port and the territory, such as the European-gauge rail link and the A27 dual carriageway, as well as the port’s own projects. The latter include the recent extension of the Chemical Products Wharf, the Chemmed cluster, the new ZAL (Logistics Activities Zone), the alliance between the Port and the region’s entrepreneurial fabric, a new area for cruise liners, the intermodal station and the Puerto Centro intermodal terminal (Guadalajara-Marchamalo).

Other subjects dealt with during the visit included the need to continue working on the consolidation of the Port of Tarragona as a benchmark logistics centre for the Mediterranean and to establish strategic synergies with the Port of Barcelona to reaffirm the position of both ports as providing first-class infrastructure for southern Europe.

Among all the projects, the president of the Port of Tarragona, Josep Maria Cruset, highlighted the new ZAL, which is well advanced in its administrative procedures and will bring high added value to the port community and the region.

He also emphasised the excellent figures being achieved by the Port of Tarragona in the cruise sector. This year the port is expected to exceed 100,000 cruise passengers, a number that will grow with the new terminal due to be opened in two years.

Finally, Mr Cruset explained the Puerto Centro intermodal terminal (Guadalajara-Marchamalo) project to the Catalan president. This terminal, which will begin operation in 2020, will provide merchandise from the port and the territory with an outlet in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula.

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