‘A Trip to the Museum Constellation’ is this year’s name for Museum Night

‘A Trip to the Museum Constellation’ is this year’s name for Museum Night
03 May

The directors of different museums and participating organisations have today presented the activity planned for Saturday 19 May at the Port Museum

"Trip to the Constellation Museum" is the name of the activity for Museum Night, which will be held on Saturday 19 May. This Wednesday, the Port of Tarragona Museum was the venue for the presentation of this activity that city museums and art centres programme together year after year.

In Tarragona, the Tarraconense Biblical Museum, the Diocesan Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the History Museum, the National Archaeological Museum, the CaixaForum Museum and the Port Museum have enjoyed a great deal of success with this nocturnal event over the last five years. Coordination tasks are managed by Auriga Cultural Services.

Every year, these museums open their doors to the general public with free, nocturnal guided tours at special times, focusing on a theme proposed internationally by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

This year, the theme will be "Hyperconnected Museums: New Approaches, New Audiences", which will interpret the relationships between museums and the public through the central theme of communication. Each institution will present an object within this profile, generating a voyage of communication between museums from the standpoint of knowledge and from the connection between museums.

The public will be able to take part in this guided ‘trip’ aboard the city’s mini-train. The activity lasts some two hours. Prior booking is essential at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Bookings can be made from 7 May onwards.

Apart from this activity, the public will also be able to discover each museum and its programme for free during the provisional nocturnal schedules established by the museum organisations. The Port Museum will start with an activity this evening called "The Little Night of the Sea" for children visiting the museum between 7 and 10 pm.

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