Members of Cereal Producer Cooperatives visit the Port of Tarragona

Members of Cereal Producer Cooperatives visit the Port of Tarragona
18 Apr

The businesspersons were able to see at first-hand how cereal imports are handled in the terminals

Some fifty delegates from cereal cooperatives, members of the AN (Alimentación Natural) Group from various provinces, including Álava, Burgos and Huesca, were able to see at first-hand the specialist services and infrastructures provided by the Port of Tarragona for its clients.

Last Thursday at mid-day, the professional farmers and cereal producers toured the Port of Tarragona facilities in a visit designed to strengthen the direct relationship between the sector and the Tarragona port infrastructure. The delegates saw at first-hand how cereal imports are dealt with in the terminals, watching from the dockside the unloading and subsequent handling of these agri-food products.

Pedro Bernal, Head of the Port of Tarragona Marketing Department, welcomed the visitors in the Port Authority building conference room. He spoke to them of the Port’s strategic lines designed to boost its international presence, to diversify traffic types, and its commitment to strategic infrastructures, sustainability and increasing the number of cruise ship stopovers in Tarragona. He also spoke of the Port of Tarragona’s objective to become a logistics hub for cereals. Afterwards the businesspersons were taken on a tour of the port facilities.



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