The cruise ship Berlin docked today in the Port of Tarragona

The cruise ship Berlin docked today in the Port of Tarragona
03 Apr

It is the second cruise ship of the season that began on 28 March

The FTI cruise ship Berlin docked today, 3 April, at the Port of Tarragona cruise ship terminal located on the Llevant Wharf. The Berlin, which is 139 metres long and can accommodate 412 passengers, arrived at 12 pm from Cartagena and will set sail at midnight on its way to Barcelona.

The next cruise ship is expected on 6 April. It is the Costa Victoria and will inaugurate Costa Cruise’s season in Tarragona. This company, which has Tarragona as a base port, has changed vessels since last season. Instead of the Costa neoRiviera, which could carry 1,727 passengers, we will now have the Costa Victoria, which can accommodate up to 2,394 passengers and will account for a considerable increase in the number of passengers arriving in the Port of Tarragona.



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