In 2017, the Port of Tarragona has grow 7.8% in traffic and almost 10% in net turnover

In 2017, the Port of Tarragona has grow 7.8% in traffic and almost 10% in net turnover
09 Feb

At the end of the financial year the Port has handled more than 34 million tons of cargo and received a net income of 57.4 M€



The Port of Tarragona handled more than 34 Mt last year, a growth of 7.8% over 2016 (31.5 Mt).


Liquid bulks was the best-performing area with 22 Mt (+8.7%), followed by solid bulks at 9.5 Mt (+5%) and, finally, general cargo at 2 Mt (+4.3%).





If we look at specific types of traffic, of particular note in bulk liquids is crude (9.5 Mt) with a growth of 12.5%; other petroleum products (10.7 Mt) with an increase of 6.2%; and chemical products and fertilizers (1.7 Mt), up 4.2%.


In terms of solid bulks, of particular note is common salt (0.45 Mt), which increased by 136.7% over 2016, and coal (3,7 Mt), which was up 8.3%.


In the case of cereals, feed and flour, however, there was a decrease of 4.4% (4,550 Mt). General cargo saw a fall in containerised merchandise (-28.9%), but an increase in non-containerised cargo (+28%).



Traffic diversification

The end-of-year data also indicates that the policy of traffic diversification begun several years ago by the Port of Tarragona continues to show very good results. The main traffic types are paper and paper pulp (585,033 t) with an increase of 42.6%; vehicles (200,209 units), up 30,7%; and live animals, which also saw a considerable increase (+28%) if we count heads (344,438) and even more in tons (61,925 t), an increase of 68.2%.


Another traffic type with very positive results is that of passengers. With 37 cruise ship stopovers and more than 51,000 passengers, the increase in 2017 was 68.2% and 282.3% respectively.


Financial results

The financial results for 2017 also show that it was a good year. The net turnover was 57.4M€, with a growth of 9.75% over 2016. EBITDA also saw a major increase (14.79%), reaching 32.6M€. Operating profit was 10.8M€, an increase of 50%, and the profit and loss figure increased by more than 70%, reaching 10.4M€. Cash flow stood at 31.5M€ (+20.69%).

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