The Port of Tarragona transports 16,080 million tonnes in the first six months of the year

The Port of Tarragona transports 16,080 million tonnes in the first six months of the year
11 Aug

This figure represents an increase of almost 11% compared with the same period last year.

The Port of Tarragona moved 16,079,396 tonnes from January to June 2017, which represents an increase of 10.9% over the same period last year (14,493,283 tonnes). During these months the Tarragona Port infrastructure registered growth in different traffic items such as the movement of vehicles (up 24.5%), livestock (up 52.6%), crude oil (up 23.9%), coal (up 30.9%), non-metallic minerals (up 197.3%), building materials (up 573.2%) and asphalt (37,091.3%).

11.6 million tonnes of energy sector goods

With regard to energy traffic, a total of 11.601.728 tonnes were moved, up 14.4% more than in the same period last year. In June alone, the increase was more than 50%, a direct result of the normalisation of results after the technical stoppage that took place in Repsol last year. Within this sector, we have achieved an outstanding increase in crude oil, with 4,693,865 tonnes moved (up 23.9%) as well as in coal, with 1,896,354 (up 30.9%).

The Port of Tarragona maintains its position as a hub port (distributor) for refined petroleum products. Large petrochemical ships from international destinations dock at the specialised terminals, and from here the product is distributed to the rest of the Mediterranean ports.

As for the traffic in agri-food products, although the first half of the year saw a fall of 28.2%, with 1.5 million tonnes recorded, the chairman of the Port, Josep Andreu, has announced that the forecast for the second half is very good with regard to cereals traffic and "the results at the end of the year are expected to show a positive result."

Another significant figure is the traffic in live animals, which registered an increase of 52.6% in the first six months of the year, rising from 119,286 to 181,997 head of livestock.

Exponential growth in the movement of vehicles

The Port of Tarragona continues to experience a significant increase in the movement of vehicles. Up to June, the vehicles terminal handled 107,589 units, 24.5% more than in the same period last year.

Cruise ships

Meanwhile, in the cruise sector, it should be noted that this year 2017 is set to attain a record figure, with 40,000 passengers and 38 cruise ships. Looking to 2018, Costa Cruises has already announced that it will replace the ship Costa NeoRiviera with the larger Costa NeoVictoria (600 more passengers), which will lead to an annual increase of almost 10,000 passengers.

Good economic management results

The Port of Tarragona also recorded good economic results in the first half of the year, with a revenue of 26.9 million euros, a figure which represents an increase of 5.91% over the same period in the previous year.

With regard to the results for operational management, comparing the first half of 2017 with the 2016, the Port shows an increase in the EBITDA of 8.78% and an increase of 10.79% in its cash flow.

Port-City news

A Port-City projects, and with the aim of improving information provided to the public, Josep Andreu has announced the installing of three LED information displays. One of them will be placed in the Pont de la Petxina area and another in the Escales Reials area. These two will display all the information about the cultural activities of the Port of Tarragona, the activities in the Teatret del Serrallo theatre, the Museum and the exhibitions on the Moll de Costa dock, among others. The last of the three will be installed on the Passeig d’Escullera to provide information about the Km 0 and any possible incidents that may exist: closures due to poor weather conditions, maintenance or repairs to the breakwater or restrictions of access due to cruise ship activity, etc.

Resultats 1r semestre 2017 del Port de Tarragona


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