The Port of Tarragona acknowledges the work of the students in Dual Vocational Training internships

The Port of Tarragona acknowledges the work of the students in Dual Vocational Training internships
10 Jul

The Port of Tarragona is committed to Dual vocational training, which gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge and to experience the world of work, in collaboration with the Joan XXIII School and the Vidal i Barraquer Secondary School. Within this framework of cooperation, this school year 2016/17 three students from the Joan XXIII School have carried out their practical training work in the Port of Tarragona: two students from the Intermediate Vocational Training Course in Administrative Management, who have performed tasks in Sustainability and Corporate Development management, and Human Resources Organisation management; and one student from the Higher Training Course in Administration and Finance, who has carried out tasks in Administration and Finance management.


The chairman of the Port of Tarragona, Josep Andreu, the directors of departments, as well as the employees have wished to acknowledge the work done to by the students in Dual Vocational Training internships. These internships were launched last September and finished in June of this year, 2017.

Collaboration with Dual Vocational Training as a relationship between companies and the education system

In addition to collaboration agreements for Dual Vocational Training, since 2009 the Port of Tarragona has collaborated with several Professional Training Institutes in the city on a permanent basis, establishing agreements for practical training in work centres with their students. The aim is to equip them with those skills that are provided by practical work carried out in a company in accordance with the curricular content specified by the Training Course.


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