The Port of Tarragona promotes its intermodal strategy at the European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit

The Port of Tarragona promotes its intermodal strategy at the European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit
21 Jun

This year the Port of Tarragona is once again present at the European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit, one of the most important logistics congresses in Europe, which this year took place in Barcelona.

The event, which was held between June 19th and 21st, welcomed more than 550 professionals from all over the world, and among them directors of companies such as Virgin, Unilever, HP, Nike, or Procter and Gamble, major producers with a high volume of imports and exports all over the world.

The Port of Tarragona participated at the European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit with its own stand, and took part in the networking sessions and the conferences that were organised on trends in the management of the logistics chain and of supply.

One of the main objectives of the Tarragona port infrastructure is to publicise the options it provides in terms of intermodality and container traffic, while at the same time establishing contact with major producing companies which have a decisive role in the import and/or export logistics chain.

The Port of Tarragona’s La Boella intermodal terminal makes it possible to speed up the transfer of goods between maritime and land transport. This infrastructure is located in a strategic area next to the container terminal operated by DP World, the Border Inspection Point, the chemical industry and the nearby LAZ. The intermodal terminal is open to companies in the region and has a double gauge line (Iberian and UIC).


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