ChemMed puts Tarragona on the world map of the chemical and petrochemical sector

ChemMed puts Tarragona on the world map of the chemical and petrochemical sector
12 May

The Argus Petrochemical Markets 2017 conference was held for the first time in Tarragona from May 9th to 11th

The Port of Tarragona was the setting for one of the main international conferences of the petrochemical sector, organised by the prestigious consulting firm Argus Dewitt, and where the main players in the chemical and petrochemical sector on an international level meet to discuss the changes in global product flows and the integration of supply chains. This event provided an opportunity to learn about the ChemMed Tarragona cluster model, as well as the investment opportunities offered by the region.

The inauguration ceremony for the Argus Petrochemical Markets Conference took place yesterday at the Gran Palas Conventions, and was organised by Andy Nicholson, Argus’s vice-chairman of Business Development, and Josep Andreu, chairman of the Port of Tarragona and vice-chairman of ChemMed. This international conference was held at the Hotel Gran Palas Hotel yesterday, and in the afternoon the hundred or so attendees paid a visit to the maritime Port of Tarragona to see the Port installations at first hand, and the synergies of the Port infrastructure with the Tarragona chemical site.

Internationalisation of the ChemMed cluster

The aim of the chairman of the AEQT and chairman of ChemMed, Josep Francesc Font, and the chairman of the Port of Tarragona and vice-chairman of ChemMed, Josep Andreu, was to emphasise the value of Argus’s international dimension, which situates the cluster in the epicentre of one of the main international events of the petrochemical sector. According to the chairman of the AEQT, it is "a forum that enables networking with key players in the sector, and at the same time puts Tarragona on the world's petrochemical map, thereby positioning the ChemMed brand internationally to attract investments"

The aim of the chairman of the AEQT and chairman of ChemMed, Josep Francesc Font, and the chairman of the Port of Tarragona and vice-chairman of ChemMed, Josep Andreu, was to emphasise the value of Argus’s international dimension, which situates the cluster in the epicentre of one of the main international events of the petrochemical sector. According to the chairman of the AEQT, it is "a forum that enables networking with key players in the sector, and at the same time puts Tarragona on the world's petrochemical map, thereby positioning the ChemMed brand internationally to attract investments"


Global situation of the industry

The conference has continued today, and the talks have focused on the analysis of changes in the global petrochemical industry and their impacts on the European market, analysing product flows, investment and infrastructure. The Port’s director of corporate development and business development, Genevieve Clement, the director of the TEPSA terminal at the Port, Nuria Blasco, the production director of Repsol, Ramon Nieto, and the commercial director of Vopak Terquimsa in the Port, Josep Forcadell, are the heads of the sector in Tarragona who have participated with talks within the framework of Argus.


Tràfic de líquids

  The Port of Tarragona is reaffirmed with the logistic port of Mediterrani that connects the potent chemical industry of Tarragona to the rest of the world.  
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ChemMed Tarragona

  We are founding members of the chemical cluster ChemMed Tarragona, with 350 hectares of land available for new investments.  
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