The Tarragona Port Authority is providing an ambulance for the Tarragona Civil Protection Volunteers Association

The Tarragona Port Authority is providing an ambulance for the Tarragona Civil Protection Volunteers Association
28 Apr

Within the framework of the collaboration agreement with the Tarragona Civil Protection Volunteers Association, the Tarragona Port Authority has acquired a Type B basic life support ambulance that it is making available to this association. This ambulance is equipped with the characteristics and features of this type of equipment on a European level, and one of the notable items is its markings; using as it does the Battenburg pattern (high visibility yellow and green squares), which provides a visual identity to the vehicle that makes it easily identifiable.

The ambulance presentation ceremony was held in the afternoon of April 27th and those present included the chairman of the Port of Tarragona, Josep Andreu, the Tarragona City Council councillor in charge of Festivals, Heritage, Mobility and Accessibility Plans, Begoña Floria, the chairman of the Tarragona Civil Protection Volunteers Association, Louis Magrané; the chairman of Stela Maris, Raimon Matthew, the director general of the Port of Tarragona, Ramón Ignacio García, the Port’s Environment and Corporate Development director, Joan Basora; the Port’s Public Domain and Port Security director, Josep Lluís Díez; the head of the Tarragona Port Police, Joan Bergadà; and the Port’s head of Institutional Relations and Presidency, Marta Virgili.

Safety and prevention

Safety and prevention in the broadest sense of the word is a very important element for the dynamics of the Port of Tarragona, and it always enjoys excellent collaboration from the companies of the Port community and the authorities involved, with the aim of making the Port a more protected place.

One of the functions of the Tarragona Port Authority is to provide general emergency prevention and control services, in the terms established by the regulations on civil protection, in collaboration with other authorities with competency in civil protection, and fire prevention and extinguishing. In this context, on October 14th 2016 the TPA signed a collaboration agreement with the Tarragona Civil Protection Volunteers Association for the provision of services by the latter, within the service area of the Port, in accordance with its functions in the field of Port Civil Protection.


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